Thursday, February 9, 2012


Okay, so I may be a LITTLE bit over stressed. Okay, a lot. My mom, sensing this, brought me home early from school. I have had pounding headaches since Monday, a stomachache as of last night, and my eyes have been bothering me since Tuesday of last week. Now I'm watching my sister and typing this blog while relaxing. My mom told me I could do anything I want EXCEPT school work. She said I'll be punished if I touch anything having to do with school. I want to look at the curriculum options for my Sophomore year, though. That way I can decide what classes to pick tomorrow when we make our selections.

Other than that, I am thinking of freeing my mind by making AMVs/MMVs, posting old videos on YouTube(they are LONG overdue), editing the Monster High Operetta review my sister did and posting it on YouTube, and designing the Facebook page for my parent's new business. FUN!

*starts to sing the F.U.N song.*

Haha, Spongebob. As luck has it, I only know "F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for you and me. N is for anywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea!"

Anyway, I guess I should tell you that, if possible, I would love for people to post their ways for dealing with stress. Mine is making lists(I'm using the Vera Bradley journal a friend got me for it. I have 5 lists!) and drawing. The drawing doesn't even have to be of anything, just a line.

See Write to y'all later! [Haha, said y'all like the true Texan I am!]

     -This is ME
          -Who are YOU?

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