Tuesday, October 18, 2011

An Act of Kindness

Okay, so you may have noticed that I didn't post over the weekend, nor did I post Monday. Odds are that I won't post on weekends, as it'll be my big break. I'll probably only post on a weekend if I missed a day the previous week. So, if I can, I'll post to make up for Monday. The simple reason that I didn't make a post for Monday is because I had company. The people that came over enjoy playing Gears of War with my stepdad, and if you lag them you ask for punishment. So, yeah, Blogger's out of the question on those nights.

So, today we started putting together links for Rachel's Challenge. We basically wrote down something kind we did or something kind that someone else did for us. So, why don't we make that the theme of this blog post?

Something kind I did for someone...

There is this girl in my science and gym class. I didn't really have people to talk to, so I started a conversation with her. No big deal. Okay, I'm lying. Starting a conversation with anyone is a big deal.
The reason I see this as an act of kindness? I learned later that she went to a different middle school than almost everyone else in the high school. So, she knew very few people. I was the first person to talk to her since she left her old school.

Now, if you want something kind that someone did for me...

I was the "new girl" in the intermediate school. I knew NO ONE. I was lost, alone, and, quite frankly, scared. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to go back to Texas and return to home schooling. I didn't belong in a public school.
I still went to class. I still got up every morning. Yet at lunch every day, I sat alone. One girl at a large table. People sat with me once, but that's only because a set of guys stole their table. Other than that, I went back to being alone.
One day, two girls walked up to me. "My friend told us you're new," one said. And they introduced themselves. Then they returned to their table. That one greeting made my day.
Later on that week(or was it the next week?) one of them asked me if I wanted to sit with them. I accepted. Sitting with people I didn't know was better than sitting alone. That lunch period was extremely happy for me.
The next day I was ushered over again, and I sat with them. I was so happy that they had offered me to sit with them. And, before I knew it, I was looking forward to lunch.

Now, the people at the table may have forgotten the entire thing, or they may think "No big deal." But to me, the new girl from way down south, it was a big deal. And that's why, even though I left the table so I could sit with my friend from Science, I always look back fondly at that moment where I was invited to sit with them.

Now, why don't you tell me something kind either you did for someone or that someone did for you? That's this posts goal. It's completely optional, but I'd love for you to participate in it like I would love you to participate in all my other posts.

        -This is ME
                   -Who Are You?

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