Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Have you ever told a lie? I have. I've told many. And I'm pretty sure you have to, whether you admit it or not.

Anyway, I have the belief that humans are natural born liars and really good at it, rather they know it or not. Without realizing it, a person may tell a lie to a best friend or a family member. They may so, "Well, I don't know what happened to it," when they are, in fact, the one that lost it: They just don't remember. I feel that their brian knows that they dislike getting lectured, and it secretely pieces together the fact that they lost it with the fact that they hate getting in trouble. So, it hides the information from them so that they can't remember.

That's what I think happened with my leggings that I lost. One of my sisters is lying, whether they know it or not. One of them are responsible for the loss of them.

Anyway, my I'm afraid I don't have much time. I've got to read, put my bird to bed, print out my current even(due next Friday for my biology teacher, but I don't want to leave it on the printer again), and prepare for tomorrow. And all before ten o'clock(and it's 8:24 already...)

So, for today's goal, please say a lie you told. I'd prefer that it's not one that you can still get in trouble for(I'm sure I have some of those that I forgot about) but rather one you got found out about. And you can explain how it felt to lie and(maybe) get caught on it.

          -This is ME
                    -Who are You?

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