Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fights with Friends

So, me and my friend were in a large fight today. I didn't talk to her from first period until the end of the school day. I was so mad at her. Why? Well, here's the story...

I woke up at 5:30 as usual and finished preparing for school half an hour before I actually had to leave. So, I started to joke around with my younger sister Mary. We were joking about ways to ruin our dad's life if he took costudy of us from our mom. I had been joking about it to one of my friends yesterday, and she had helped come up with some ideas. Feeling in a good mood, I texted Alice* about it.
Rofl. Becky and I are figuring out ways to ruin my dad's life.
She sent back a text saying we shouldn't joke around about that since he was our only dad. I was thoroughly shocked since she was well aware that, if he got his way, I'd be in Texas.
So, we spent the time until I got to the school arguing. At that point I said I was through talking and I wasn't going to listen to anyone defend him.
Once I finished getting things from my locker, Alice* and I started arguing over it again. I was unable to grasp why she would defend him when he was cruel and wanted to wrench me and my sisters from our lives in New Jersey. So, I refused to talk to her even through homeroom. I just stared at the clock despite her effort to get my attention by sitting next to me. I was mad and unwilling to compromise.

It's horrible to fight with friends. I know that I'm not sure if Alice* and I will ever agree on my wish to ruin my dad's life if he ruins mine by making me go to Texas. But I know that we shouldn't fight. I know we should just agree to disagree.

So, as the goal, I'd like you to post a time when you fought with someone close to you. Whether a sibling, a friend, or someone else. And tell if you made up or not.

That's all.

           -This is ME
                      -Who Are You?

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