Friday, November 11, 2011


So, I know I haven't been on and posting for a while. I'm really sorry. I would've posted yesterday if I didn't have company over. However, I did. So, yeah, sorry. I was also going to post on Halloween, but I never got the chance since I had company over then to. I know it sounds like excuses, but it isn't a bunch of them. It's the truth. And I really have been meaning to post again, but the marking period was nearing its end. It ended Wednesday and I had two tests that day.

So, how about I tell you this: I'm posting a post that says it was supposed to be posted on Halloween so that you can see what I wanted to post about that day. Nothing serious. But, yeah, that's that.

So, this post is about apologizing. Why? I think that, if someone apologizes you should believe them and accept it so long as they explain what happened and try their hardest not to let it happen again. That's what I'm going to be doing. But it's going to be hard.

For some reason, people apologize and don't mean it. Other times, they do mean it and the person that they apologize to is too angry to forgive them. I know what it's like. I was so angry at one girl for insulting my friend Alice* and refused to forgive her. She cyberbullied and made fun of Alice's* singing, saying she had no talent. She even had the nerve to do a prank call, though it was horribly done. Well, when she apologized to my Alice,* she accepted it. And even to this day the girl acts like nothing happened, though Alice* and I still hate her. I mean, I personally disagree with Alice's* forgiving her, but it's not my place to put in my opinion. I think the reason I hate her so much is because even though she apologized for insulting Alice's* singing and cyberbullying her, she never apologized to me after posting "Can you say fail?" and "Fail!" on my YouTube cover. I mean, her younger sister even told me that she(the sister) had removed the comment because of how mean it was. I blocked the account, but the girl never apologized for it.

That's why I think that if she had apologized I would have forgiven her, so long as it didn't happen again. But for some reason, she didn't. And she posted rudely twice when I decided to give her a second chance and not block her YouTube account. Needless to say, I removed the comment and blocked her account(I wouldn't have mind the comment so much if it wasn't from someone who claimed it being "constructive critisism" and doing it twice while denying that they did it. I mean, I was okay with it until I learned it was from someone I knew.)

So, that's my view on apologies. I'm not sure if you agree, but please be sure to tell me your opinion and maybe tell me of a time that you apologized and were/weren't forgiven, or that someone apologized to you and you did/didn't forgive them. It's optional, as always.

          -This is Me
                    -Who Are You?

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